TV_BFExperience's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
Discreet smart and handsome with a fit physique, I offer an intimate boyfriend experience that respects your privacy while catering to your personal desires
Open-minded when it comes to fun and sensually attuned, I'm eager to explore your passions and what are your fantasies.
Let's have a conversations, and craft moments brimming with pleasure and discretion.
Share your fantasies, and let's turn them into our little secret. 🔥
Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: I believe knowing what makes you happy is the first step to have a lifestyle - I’m happy that I discovered that before it’s too late.

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: Trying to eat as healthy as I can - but if I fancy a burger sometimes I will not hold my self 😅

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: Genuine, good listener, and full of surprises 😏

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I enjoy spending time in GYM, playing sports, reading an interesting book, watching an excellent movie, being with myself some time, and meeting with my beloved once and family.

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: Completing my higher education despite the challenges and balancing my desires and thing that makes me happy for real (being here is one of them) while living my other life successfully

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: Not being in the crowd 🙈 - I'm discreet, and did enjoy the spotlight unless its just us in a closed place 😈

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: I try to travel as much as possible, but due to my work, I'm not free all of the time (note: this is not my full-time job). So I would say I try to visit 3-4 countries per year as a minimum, and if there are more opportunities to travel, I would never say no.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: I’m a very sensual person who enjoys a glass of wine and a long conversation- I firmly believe we have one life to live, and we should make it worth it by having good times and creating unforgettable positive memories. I consider myself a good listener and can ensure great company for the people I'm with.

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: Let’s keep some answers till we meet 😉 - RM questions are very demanding 😂

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: I’m doing this purely for the pleasure and meeting interesting people and have fun. Money is important but it’s not in my top 3 priorities in life

Q: What is your specialty?

A: I would say, discreet respectful successful people who are confident and doesn’t require public attention. Someone that I can have a long conversation with without sex and still enjoying our time.

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: I'm a genuine human who enjoys basic things in life - I’m well educated (MSc holder), well-traveled, I do respect others and would expect the same. I am an optimistic person, and I believe in positive energy and always try to spread positivity and happiness wherever I’m.
Another important thing, I am on the website because I love meeting interesting people and having fun - and it’s something I do enjoy; I don’t consider it work, but this is the fun part of life - we all work hard, and we deserve to have fun and good times.

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: I would like to know more about you first and share possible similar interests - and depending on how the conversation goes, I will share more info about my background, experiences, professional career, and ambition in life.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: I do enjoy traveling, experiencing new adventures, meeting new people, going to the gym and playing other sports, and spending some quality time with my beloved once and family.

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: My ability to adapt to any situation. And a couple body parts that I love 🙈

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: 1. Toothbrush 🪥
2. Sex 🙈
3. Friends 🙌🏽
4. Travel 🧳
5. Good food 👅


Location: Dubai, UAE
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