KoltinPlowman's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
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◇ Companion, Conversation, Education: S3>< Ed, fetish and kink practices, workshops
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◇ FF
◇ NUDE personal trainer, TRX, body workout, flexibility, stretch 😈 & ROM
◇ Unshared dungeon.
Pro Dom, with everything sub/slave/curious needs for all play and lifestyle fun
● Convenient, private, secure, safe, confidential, very hot; no chem, no scents
Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: I found Love. "The One." Unconditional acceptance. Within me, and without, expressed by how I operate in, and move through, the World. In the writings of Rumi, you can possibly get a feeling of what that is. When it happens to you, with you, for you, you will know. "Reason is powerless in the expression of Love. Love alone is capable of revealing the truth of Love and being a Lover. The way of our prophets is the way of Truth. If you want to live, die in Love; die in Love if you want to remain alive."

Do everything for Love. For yourself, for others, for the birds and the rocks and the trees and the planet. Have Gratitude for things that come your way, both "good" and "bad," because you are the person you are because of them. Wisdom comes from making mistakes, and from watching others make mistakes. Experience gives us wisdom, and wisdom is like watching someone create something that you absolutely know will fail, but you are excited for them, for their excitement, but it hurts, knowing what they will feel when it does not work. Yes. Empathy is Wisdom.

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: I suffered a depression episode that lasted 20 years. My Dr. once told me I possibly avoided earlier long-term depression episodes growing up, by my high level of energy and output, sometimes diverted to academic pursuits, sometimes to employment and physical work. As a personal trainer and fitness instructor and an avid cyclist before that, and with my ability to hyper-focus to get things done, I found a level of balance. I got married and my lifestyle changed. Apparently I also don't metabolise calcium well, and it was only by my discovery of research into the effects of Vitamin D3 on the brain, in a random Facebook post on a news feed back in about, maybe, 2012, that I found a path that works for me. D3. That is a therapy that works for me, when meds never did.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: I was born with, as I have been told, 7 Celestial Bodies in Scorpio, which is not my Birth Sign. The older I get, the less like my Birth Sign I get, and the more Scorpio I become. Maybe this is why people tell me that in person, I, and in almost every picture I have, too, exude BDE; high sexual energy. It is constantly "On" and it intimidates people, I am told.
Say "Hi," and approach me. I would rather you do that, than avoid me out of maybe a lack of confidence in yourself.

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: Passion is no ordinary word. Do everything you do, with passion. If you cannot do it with passion, why are you doing it? Going the extra mile is not what you do if you do everything with passion, except in comparison with others. Measure yourself differently, and compare only with yourself. Today you can do more things, and better things, than maybe yesterday, or last week, or last year. Every moment, every day, we can do better than what we did before. That is how I do it.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: What would you accomplish if you had no fear? Fear is the greatest limiter of joy, of satisfaction. It makes mediocrity look like a good thing, and substandard things, acceptable. Do not strive to be normal, when normal is merely average, and average is lacking excellence. I choose to excel at what I do, because I am worth it, and so are you.

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: I enjoy that I can come up with solutions to problems, and draw connections, that others miss. I love that I have a lot of energy, and never get bored. I am inventive with both limited resources and with a full array of them, too. Why limit ourselves to doing things the way others have set out, if we can imagine a better way?

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: I enjoy travel. Not the physical experience of subbing to a seat for long distance travel, usually.
Travel does not mean only Internationally. Travel can be close to home, the next street or neighbourhood, the next town or County, the next valley or river or mountain.
I have been across the Continent a few times. California, P-Town, Hudson Bay, Lesser Slave Lake, Atlanta, Vancouver, DC, Edmonton, Chicago, Montreal, Detroit, Boston, Winnipeg, Vermont, New York, Calgary and places in between. I have been to the Middle East, and flown over most of Europe.
I have dipped my toes in icy Northern waters, the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Mediterranean.
There is so much to see. There is so much to know.

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: I read others very well. Body language speaks loudly to me.
I know instinctively what their contradictions are; those who are contradictory are generally narcissistic, sociopaths, manipulators and abusers of others. Watching people has always fascinated me. I can be a wallflower observing the beautiful people having all the fun, or I can command the room with my presence. Sometimes I think I am doing the former, but my friends assure me I am doing the latter. Nature abhores a vacuum.

Q: What is your specialty?

A: Dom Daddy Sir, leadership, mentoring. Not because others cannot, but because their fire burns differently.
Inspire others to forego mediocrity and embrace excellence. Uplift those who you see have a spark of joy, Joy, and passion. Create that in people who cannot see it.
And if that has to include things from the realm of Leather, BDSM, Fetishes and Kink, you know they will understand consent and Joy in ways the majority of the World has not yet figured out.
In sex, my niche is Joy in your Joy that I can provide you.

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: Lifestyle... Mine is too busy for words! Lol That is why I schedule things in advance.
My lifestyle is Pleasure. Not always hedonistic, no, but it can be. My lifestyle is Sharing. What is the point of being an individual if you cannot relate with others? My lifestyle is Compassion. I change lives, and it is humbling when a person comes up to me to thank me from the bottom of their heart for words or ideas or actions I shared with them that profoundly altered their way of relating to the World.
My lifestyle is Betterment. Betterment of my own self, of the circles I operate in, and of the environments I move through. Leave people and places better than they were before you arrived.

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: I used to be religious about exercise and diet.
No longer.
Eat what you like. Life is worth living! And if you eat it all, you have to work it off harder.

If you eat it, know what it does to your system so you can work around the excesses.
Experience the Divine in flavour and sensations; let food be sex for your mouth and nose.

Experience the Divine in exercise, too. Experience peak contractions and body shudders from intense exercise. Know your body and changing limits, and explore maximal muscle responses to those exercises. Learn how insertions function as a feeling, and make love to your body with the output of hormones, compounds and substances that turn on your mind and your heart and soul.
And then eat.

Passion is no ordinary word. You will find balance; Food and Exercise exist together with Rest.

I hit the gym 3 to 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day. I do cardio getting there and getting home. Food is fuel, so get moving.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: My life is fun. I live. Why hold back? If it is not fun, change how you are doing it.
So friends and family are fun. Sun, sand, dogs, learning, sharing and exploring turn my mind on. If it feels like a struggle, either you are doing it wrong, or it is not good for you to do, so change it.
Fun, for me, is Living Life Large.

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: So many experiences... Travel, Stage, School, Marriage, Work, Achievement, Giving, Family...
But the best experience Is... Love. The deep Love; the one that tells you that it, life, disaster, collapse, devastation... was all more easily suffered, because of that experience, that is unconditional, that is accepting, that holds you and that promises you will be ok. Love that is omnipresent and just does not stop. I have that. So can you. Let's explore it! Naked!

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: Guys tell me there is nobody out there like me. They gasp when I open the door, because my pics don't do me justice, they say. They love what I do. What I do is make your body, mind and soul sing in ways nobody else has been able to. The connection with a guy can blow their mind, and I am not easily forgotten. I change lives.

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I love history and antiques; I have had a shop and dealt in furniture, pottery, glass and collectables. I can research until the cows come home!
I work out; it goes with being a personal fitness trainer. 😉
Dogs have been a great part of my life. I miss mine; they got old. I walk friends dogs every chance I get.
Not much of a TV or movie guy; being on the go is my life. Experience cool things, learn something new every day! Even if it is by opening a book, or watching youtube videos on metaphysical principles of the Universe.

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: Exploring the outstanding in people and life where others see average or mundane will always give me what I need: passion, flavour, touch, men and excitement.


Location: Toronto, Ontario
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